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  1. 35df897 Add treap ascending Iterators. by Dan Jacques · 8 years ago master
  2. 0abe01e fix issue 3, thanks icexin by Steve Yen · 9 years ago
  3. 9c2d1fd Shorter idiom for Get() loop. by Steve Yen · 10 years ago
  4. 72cd76f Merge pull request #1 from mschoch/code-coverage by Steve Yen · 10 years ago
  5. c26f70d get code coverage to 100% slight rewrite of Min/Max add several more tests by Marty Schoch · 10 years ago


gtreap is an immutable treap implementation in the Go Language

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gtreap implements an immutable treap data structure in golang.

By treap, this data structure is both a heap and a binary search tree.

By immutable, any updates/deletes to a treap will return a new treap which can share internal nodes with the previous treap. All nodes in this implementation are read-only after their creation. This allows concurrent readers to operate safely with concurrent writers as modifications only create new data structures and never modify existing data structures. This is a simple approach to achieving MVCC or multi-version concurrency control.

By heap, items in the treap follow the heap-priority property, where a parent node will have higher priority than its left and right children nodes.

By binary search tree, items are store lexigraphically, ordered by a user-supplied Compare function.

To get a probabilistic O(lg N) tree height, you should use a random priority number during the Upsert() operation.




import (

func stringCompare(a, b interface{}) int {
    return bytes.Compare([]byte(a.(string)), []byte(b.(string)))

t := gtreap.NewTreap(stringCompare)
t = t.Upsert("hi", rand.Int())
t = t.Upsert("hola", rand.Int())
t = t.Upsert("bye", rand.Int())
t = t.Upsert("adios", rand.Int())

hi = t.Get("hi")
bye = t.Get("bye")

// Some example Delete()'s...
t = t.Delete("bye")
nilValueHere = t.Get("bye")
t2 = t.Delete("hi")
nilValueHere2 = t2.Get("hi")

// Since we still hold onto treap t, we can still access "hi".
hiStillExistsInTreapT = t.Get("hi")

t.VisitAscend("cya", func(i Item) bool {
    // This visitor callback will be invoked with every item
    // from "cya" onwards.  So: "hi", "hola".
    // If we want to stop visiting, return false;
    // otherwise a true return result means keep visiting items.
    return true


The Upsert() method takes both an Item (an interface{}) and a heap priority. Usually, that priority should be a random int (math/rand.Int()) or perhaps even a hash of the item. However, if you want to shuffle more commonly accessed items nearer to the top of the treap for faster access, at the potential cost of not approaching a probabilistic O(lg N) tree height, then you might tweak the priority.

See also

For a simple, ordered, key-value storage or persistence library built on immutable treaps, see: