Checking out and building on Fuchsia

If you have followed the instructions below and are still having trouble, see Contact information.

System requirements

Building and running on Linux is officially supported, mac build is not. If you are willing to run emulator based tests locally, KVM is required. You may check if /dev/kvm exists on the system, or follow the Enable KVM section.

  1. Follow up chromium for linux to setup chromium environment.

  2. Edit your .gclient to add fuchsia to the target_os list. The file should look similar to this:

    solutions = [
        "url": "",
        "managed": False,
        "name": "src",
        "custom_deps": {},
        "custom_vars": {}
    target_os = ['fuchsia']
  3. Run gclient sync

  4. Create a build directory:

    $ gn gen out/fuchsia --args="is_debug=false dcheck_always_on=true is_component_build=false target_os=\"fuchsia\""

    You can add many of the usual GN arguments like use_remoteexec = true. In particular, when working with devices, consider using is_debug = false and is_component_build = false since debug and component builds can drastically increase run time and used space.

  5. Build the target as you would for any other platform, you may specify the targets to build at the end of the command line:

$ autoninja -C out/fuchsia
  1. Most of the gtests based tests can be executed via out/fuchsia/bin/run_***_unittests, e.g.
$ out/fuchsia/bin/run_base_unittests

It starts a fresh new emulator instance and executes the tests on it under the hood. Also see the Running test suites section for other types of tests.

Enable KVM

Under Linux, if your host and target CPU architectures are the same (e.g. you‘re building for Fuchsia/x64 on a Linux/x64 host) then you can benefit from QEMU’s support for the KVM hypervisor:

  1. Install the KVM module for your kernel, to get a /dev/kvm device.
  2. Ensure that your system has a “kvm” group, and it owns /dev/kvm. You can do that by installing the QEMU system common package: $ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-common
  3. Add users to the “kvm” group, and have them login again, to pick-up the new group.
$ sudo adduser <user> kvm
$ exit [log in again]

Running test suites

There are four types of tests available to run on Fuchsia:

  1. Gtests
  2. GPU integration tests
  3. Blink tests
  4. Webpage tests

Check the documentations to learn more about how to run these tests.

Documentation for the underlying testing scripts work can be found here.